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May 22, 2006



eeek...i do not agree with this list. no ancic?!?! blasphemy!

lol okay yes, i am very very biased but seriously...i do not agree with this list, fed as top ten hottest? i mean...i love him...just not that way. and i love blake as well but in dima's words the "two meter embodiment of a woman's dream" still beats him out any day. sigh... the women's side is a lot better although i dunno if i would have put hingis up there.

oh wells :P

Okay Andre Agassi's more hotter than Rafa? Rafa is number 8 and Roger is 7? Whoever chose the people for this list should check into a drug rehab facility

Noelle De Guzman

FYI, the Ace Hot List is chosen by people who voted for their top ten favorites from a bigger list of tennis players. This list is a function of which players had fan communities that voted actively AND who the tennis fans consider most attractive.

Roddick was on this list last year, too, and I can tell you a lot of women I know find him attractive.


"This list is a function of which players had fan communities that voted actively "

Okay that explains it.


The Spanish armada? Feli is a girl, Ferrero looks like a dry fruit. C'mon...


feliciana is a woman. dmitry says so. |:


Feli makes me wants to Murray!

For the record, not many things make me want to associate with that terminology. In conclusion, Feli is not attractive (or at least not manly-attractive), and Richard should be number 1 (in my totally non-biast opinion!).

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